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14 March 2024

Casino Special Employee Licence forms

Application Forms

Complete the two submission forms once you've collected and scanned all your relevant documentation.

  1. CAS00A Probity form for a casino special employee licence 
    You will need an authorised witness to sign and witness your signature on the statutory declaration in the probity form. This form is used to determine your suitability to hold a casino special employee licence.
  2. Casino special employee online application
    Attach a copy of all your scanned documents and your completed, signed, and scanned probity form then use the online form to submit your application.

Change of circumstance form

If you have an existing licence and your contact details or legal/financial circumstances change, notify us in writing within 14 days.

Update your contact details using the online form

Use this form to notify a change in your legal or financial circumstances: CA0040 Casino special employee - notify change in circumstance

Renewal Forms

You will need to renew your licence every seven years. L&GNSW will send a text and email notification to you when it's time.

  1. CAS00A Probity form for a casino special employee licence 
  2. Online renewal - attach all documentation required and the above probity form.

Find out more about casino special employee licences.